Save 20K by 20 Years Old

Learn about personal finance and saving money

20kby20 is a blog focused on teaching teens about personal finance with the goal of saving 20,000 dollars by 20 years old, along with other aspects of financial freedom such as budgeting, investing, and getting a job.

Why 20K?

  1. 20 thousand dollars is a reasonable sum to have saved up by 20 years old. While some will reach this goal more easily than others, it is attainable for the vast majority of people at this age.

  2. 20 thousand will likely reach upwards of 50 thousand in 10 years just by sitting in an index fund. If the money is stored away without a thought about spending it, it could yield surprising returns just by waiting.

  3. Saving up this sum of money will help build your understanding of personal finance as well as cement lasting habits regarding money that will help you for the rest of your life.